Rel Mollet Books, Family, Travel

Hey friends,

I hope you’re having a fabulous summer!

I’m freshly back from an epic 29th anniversary trip to Italy – (pix below) and hubs and I decided to take another plunge…

We bought a pool.

I know, I know…it’s sort of an extravagance…

Here’s me, Bubby, and my beautiful daughter Sarah hanging out in the pool over Memorial Day. (I know Bubby and I have the same hair, so we’re a little hard to tell a part. I’m the larger one in green to the left).

Ah, the glamorous life of an author, right?

Okay, okay, here are a couple real pics…Hubs and I in Portofino, where we went diving. (during and after!) Proof that we survived.

But, we almost didn’t! I ran out of air at 103 feet down and had to buddy breath on our guide’s emergency regulator. I was rather proud of myself that I didn’t panic. And didn’t die. And went in for a second dive!

Because you can’t let fear keep you from living life, right?

This is the theme of my new book, Storm Front. It’s a deeply personal story about what happens when life takes you out…and how to get back up.I’ve been deeply blessed by the kind reviews! This is one of my favorites!

By the way, I write to music, and I thought you’d enjoy the “Susie May Soundtrack” to this novel–the songs I listened to as I wrote it. Find the playlist HERE on YouTube.

I’m heading up to the cabin this weekend, after a big week of plotting and working on a new series…(but you’ll find out about THAT next time!) I’m reading The Love Letter by my writing partner, Rachel Hauck. (out next week! Preorder here!) SOOOO good. What are you reading? I’d love to know–I’m always on the hunt for a great book, donchya know!

Have a fabulous weekend and thank you for reading!!



Susie May