Freedom & the Fourth!

Rel Mollet Books, Family, Good Stuff, Life in Russia

Hey friends!

We had a wonderful time as a family celebrating 4th of July a couple of weeks ago. It always gets me thinking…about hot dogs, fireworks and watermelons! And, for we Americans, being grateful we live in a country where we’re free to share our opinions, and believe in the right for us to have them.

I love the 4th of July, but the truth of that hit home when we moved to Russia. Our family lived in a remote Siberian town (although large, 600,000 people, it was filled with, uh, RUSSIANS. Who didn’t celebrate the 4th of July as some sort of national hot-dog eating, fireworks shooting, patriotic holiday. What? Crazy!)

The nearest US Consulate was located 12 hours by train and the first time we visited Vladivostok, we hunted it down just to see the soldiers standing guard. Tall, broad-shouldered, clean-cut, uniformed, the army soldier posted at the consulate door had my immediate eternal love. Yes, I just barely stopped myself from throwing my arms around him. Somehow, I held my ground, but a gratefulness swept through me that still fills my chest. Having traveled and lived in foreign countries around the world, I feel so very blessed to be an American.

My boy, Peter, was born while we served as missionaries in Russia. He celebrated his first seven Independence days there.

This is him today. #proudNavyMom

In honor of the 4th of July weekend, we went to our cabin up north. (I also finished the Montana Rescue book #5!) When I see strong men sitting around, this is what I make them do.

But then, we all headed out to the annual Cook County Alumni football game. Nothing like football on a beautiful Saturday evening in small town America.

I think ALL 4th of July celebrations should include yard work, football, pizza and….

Yes. When you come to my house and work in the hot sun, you get cookies. Because that’s how we celebrate freedom, specially now, since I got a new water filter I have been baking a lot more, it makes me so happy to have such good water quality.

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And speaking of the freedom to speak….(yeah, that was my segue)…A MATTER OF TRUST RELEASED ON JULY 4th and that date made it extra special! Publisher’s Weekly gave it a starred review, and readers have been so kind…

“My favorite thing about reading books by Susan May Warren is that I always find unique, exciting plotlines, genuine characters that start to feel more like friends, and spiritual lessons that touch my heart and encourage me in my own walk with God. In all of these aspects, this book does not disappoint. I highly recommend this book and I can’t wait for the next installment in this series.” – Ashley, Goodreads reader

Read more about A Matter of Trust and if you order it…you’ll get to enjoy a snowbound adventure on a Summer’s day! Hey, make some cookies…

Go in Grace!

Susie May