It’s me again, Susie May. I know you’re disappointed because my VA’s newsletters were so fun to read! (She’s also an author, by the way. If you’re interested in her books, check them out at!)
We had a fantastic trip to Spain and Portugal…here’s a pic of me on the boat, and our last glittering night in Porto.
We then woke up the next morning to discover our flight had been cancelled.
Twenty-four hours and a re-route through Canada later, we made it home—exhausted, bleary-eyed, smelly, and happy to be back with THIS GIRL.
But see, I’d made PROMISES to return to my life. Sigh.
Which brings me to my latest release! (I know, bad segue, but I have JET LAG, give me a break!)
One Last Promise dropped TODAY on Amazon!
I loooove this story about Moose Mulligan, the lead pilot for Alaska Air One Rescue, and his love for a woman with secrets, Tillie Young. Tillie is brave, sacrificial, a former marine and a woman who can handle herself…until her daughter is kidnapped and she needs Moose’s help.
And he’s a guy who keeps his promises.
I think you’re going to love this story as much as I do! Check it out on Amazon (and all your favorite retailers) and thank you for loving this series as much as I do!
More pix coming on Friday!
P.S. My next trip is to Australia! If you’re a writer, I’ll be keynoting at the Omega Writers Conference in September. Hope to see you there!