So we did a thing this weekend.
We love our backyard in Florida. What we don’t love is the hot hot sun on our deck. So…I convinced hubs to build a patio cover for the deck. He was thrilled.
Just to be clear, I helped too. I held stuff. And cleaned stuff. And said, “Oh, honey, you are amazing! Thank you for your hard work!” Which totally counts.
And then I discovered something…
All the grime and discolored patio tiles…clean! And, I fulfilled a strange bucket list item—to power wash a carpet. (I know, I know, but am I the only one who is mesmerized by the Insta and FB carpet cleaning reels???)
Suddenly, voila, we have ourselves a covered porch!
I LOVE IT. I sat on the porch all day Sunday and read a book. #Heaven
My kids (I sent them pictures) were impressed with how fast we built this. But when you dig in to do something…
That’s sort of how I felt when I was writing the Minnesota Kingston series last year. One book after another, diving into each story. Mostly because my desire was to sweep you into the series and have you love the stories so much you can’t wait for the next one. Which comes out on FRIDAY!
I know…we just launched JACK, right? So, it might feel fast, but CONRAD (book 2!) launches exclusively in the Susan May Warren store on Friday. (At the discounted early-bird price!)
He doesn’t hit the other retailers for two weeks, and isn’t available in Amazon until March 7th (although you can preorder him now at the discount price!)
Who’s CONRAD? Oh my…let me tell you. He’s the younger, pro hockey player (Hello, MN Blue Ox!) brother of Jack, of course. He’s quiet, determined and the kind of guy Penelope Pepper needs to keep her out of trouble. Even if she doesn’t know it yet…
Here’s the blurb for Conrad:
I’m working on finalizing the edits on book 3 today…Doyle will be here before we know it!
Wow, that happened fast.
More porch pix next week (because of course, we’re not done yet!) …and look for the launch of CONRAD on Friday.
Have a great week, and thank you for reading!
PS – What? You haven’t read Jack yet? Oh my…let’s fix that. Find Jack HERE: