August! Hello—where did summer go? I have friends whose children are back in school!
I can admit that panic has set in. My TBR is massive, and my porch is calling…
I did make a small dent in the pile this week by reading a book by one of my friends, who is also a non-fiction author. He wrote a very interesting book called The Eden Option. It’s a pretty short read but the concept is powerful. The idea that we have two stories of our lives. One is the story that we make and the other is the one that God makes. I’m exploring this idea in my current book but also in my life. I’d encourage you to at least download the sample and read the introduction. It might be something that stirs some truth inside you as well.
In the meantime, Allen Arnold wrote an interesting devotional. You can find it here.
I love this quote by him in the blog.
This is why I write the stories I write. Yes they’re clean, and yes they’re safe in terms of things I allow my characters to say and do. But I try to infuse them with truths that will make people think and write stories that will keep people gripped and entertained. Your reading time is valuable to you and to me and I try to make it worth your time.
And because of this and because it’s the end of the summer I wanted to put together a pretty awesome deal for you on my Susan May Warren store. I’ve written a nine book series called Montana Fire. It’s about a team of hotshots and smoke jumpers and takes place in both Montana and Alaska and the final story takes place in Tennessee.
The entire collection is available in ebook and audiobook right now on the Susan May Warren Store, and the collection is 50% off! You can mix and match ebooks and audiobooks and still get your 50% off. That’s nine books for less than $20.
Have a fantastic weekend! We’re working on the house today, but tomorrow I’m reading a book! I hope you are too.
P.S. By the way, IRIS launches on Tuesday on Kindle/Amazon! Look for an e-mail from me with a really fun contest. You can still get it at the pre-order price on Amazon!