I am huge fan of WW2 stories. The first story I ever wrote (not published) was an epic (and we’re talking James Michener would be proud) story of WW2 in Russia, and its sweeping effects across that country. I love the drama, the intrigue, the courage, the romance…oh, the romance! *g* In short, I gobble up any WW2 stories – from movies to books, so when Tricia Goyer, friend and author from Montana (one of my favorite places!) came out with her first book, from Dust to Ashes, I grabbed it hot off the shelf and read it in about two days.
What struck me is that Tricia took the time to get it right. She researched every detail and filled her book with historical tidbits that made the story reverberate with authenticity. Her newest book, Arms of Deliverance, upholds that standard. From the battlefield in France to the inside of a B-52 bomber, Tricia takes the reader back in time to WW2 to discover what it was really like to fly an airplane or report a behind-the-lines story, or escape across Belgium during the dangerous days of WW2. I loved Eddie and Mary, felt for Katrine, and appreciated Lee for her desire to be more than what she was expected. For writers out there looking to know how to work details of setting into a story, pick up Tricia’s Arms of Deliverance. Oh, and don’t start it on a Monday. You won’t get anything else done….*g* Thank you, Tricia for another great WW2 read!
The link for the book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802415563
Read Chapter 1 on Tricia’s blog: http://triciagoyer.blogspot.com