Ask a Writer Anything: What's Your Secret

Susan On Writing

Hannah asked: I always wondered how a author can write so many books and still have such good endings and plots etc. So what’s your secret to writing? Lol!

Oh, thank you for those kind words! I love to write, and I’m always on the hunt for a great story! I’m actually very dangerous to have around – just last week I was sitting in a restaurant and accidentally overheard a person talk on their cell phone (have you ever noticed how loud people are on their cell phones?). He poised a question to his caller, and it got my little brain thinking of all sorts of crazy answers, so much that I had to sit down and write an opening scene for a yet unpublished book. I can’t help it – I’m always asking what if, and what does that person do, and pretty soon, I have a story in my mind. As for the endings, it really depends on the character, and his/her needs/dreams/fears. I always let the character tell me what the ending is going to be, before I start the story. Yes, I know that sounds a little strange, but if I discover who my character is and why he/she does what they do, usually I can tell what sort of ending will be perfect for them. Hence, why each story is different! (Although, yes, I have one theme – Happily Ever After!)

I have a lot of secrets to how I plot my characters and stories – discover them at, and get your daily dose of writing craft!

(Susan May Warren spent the summer collecting “Ask and Author Anything!” questions, about life, writing and anything (within reason) her readers asked. Stop back every week this winter to read the answers to those questions!)

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