So, I went out to breakfast today with my writing partner, the amazing Rachel Hauck. We’ve been trying to get together for three weeks since my return to Florida. (okay, that sounds a lot more epic than intended. it wasn’t like the return of the King or anything. It was just a small trip to hang out with my son and his family during thanksgiving).
Happy FREEBIE Friday!
Admittedly, I’m loving Florida right now.
Never fear—we’re heading back to Minnesota for a white Christmas.
So, I’m busy writing, and working on the lineup for 2025 (and beyond!) So, before we jump into today’s freebies, let me say THANK YOU to everyone who gave me your ‘Plain cover versus Hero cover’
Happy Surprise Sale Day!
I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those “window shoppers” – I love to roam around a mall (did I just date myself?) and look at all the stuff I could potentially buy.
Nowadays that looks like me shopping online and putting things in my shopping cart, only to sit there while I decide if I really want it.
Now for that fun surprise…
Happy Friday!
I’ve been working on a big project (NOT the MN Kingstons, although that’s exciting! What—you haven’t heard about the Kingstons? Stay tuned for the P.S. – we’ll fix that!)
No…this big project is a rebirth of one of my favorite series.
Long ago, in another decade, at the beginning when I lived in Russia,
Quick thoughts today…
1. I voted.
But my brilliant daughter (you met her!) sent a message to our family today, and I wanted to share it with you, something to remember as we go forward today…
“Happy Election Day family. I pray you all have peace about your votes and that you know I love you and I don’t care how you vote.Read More
The Secret Project Revealed!
Oh, today is a fun day!! Super-secret project reveal day!
You ever meet someone and think…oh, I so want my new friend to meet my old friends? Because you just know that they’d click and you’d all have so much fun together?
So, the minute Boo Kingston walked onto the page,
Ain’t She a Beauty?
I hope you’re having a good start to your week! I just took this snap of my beautiful tree in the front yard. This is why I love October in Minnesota!
I also love October because that’s when all the delicious Christmas books drop! I guess it’s so we’ll have enough time to grab them all and read them over the holidays.
Happy Friday! I *just* sent a project off to my amazing editor, and I’m headed into weekend mode…looking at tonight’s menu (pumpkin soup, steak sandwiches, and crustless pumpkin cheesecake)!
(Here’s a pic of last week’s Friday night feast…)
But also…
I’m realizing there was a missing picture in the last newsletter!
The Raw Truth
So recently there’s been this trend where authors show their workspace. And to be honest, I’ve been a little shy to do that because in the raw truth…
I’m more of a horizontal organizer.
And I’m not a minimalist.
And I’m also a bit of a DIY gal…
So anyway,
Imma be honest…
Imma be honest.
It just doesn’t feel right for the world to keep plodding on with so much suffering going on right now. Terrible flooding, loss of life in the south, after Hurricane Helene. Our troops deploying to the Middle East (not to mention the suffering there, and in other countries).