Awaken My Heart by DiAnn Mills

Susan Books

My…a good book and a night away! What could be better? For the release of DiAnn’s Mill’s latest book, Awaken My Heart, DiAnn has teamed up with her publisher, Avon Inspire for a fabulous Valentine’s Day contest! Details here!

About the book:

1803, The Colony of Texas

Journey back to the early days of southwest history 

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Susan Food and Drink

Yes, I’m still alive…just in case you’re all wondering (you’re so sweet!).

Life has been C-R-A-Z-Y! I’ll get to all that eventually…

But today, I just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a warm and filling Thanksgiving. Also, remember (reminder to self) there is much to be said for patience,

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Susan Just for Fun

My son plays Half-Back and full-ball for his 6-7, 7-8th grade football team. He lives for football. Simply loves it. His favorite dinner time activity is showing his family all his fresh bruises. (and he does it with a big grin).

I love to watch my thirteen year old play. I’ve gone to every game for the past three years (except when I’m out of town),

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Ask a Writer Anything: What Is A Happy Ending?

Susan On Writing

Melissa asked: Why does every book have to have a happy ending? Don’t get me wrong, I like the happy ending, but at the same time there are a few books that I have read that totally threw me by not having the expected happy ending, the guy didn’t get the girl, and they didn’t live happily ever after with 2.5 kids and a dog.

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Not Hannigan, but Lilly

Susan Just for Fun

As a mom, I just hate it when my kids’ dreams don’t come true. Not, of course, that I want ALL their dreams to come true (ie, I have no desire see my son’s dream of become a NASCAR driver come true. Thanks, but can anyone say FIERY DEATH?) I do, however, buy into the hope that they’ll be happy,

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Ask a Writer Anything: What's Your Secret

Susan On Writing

Hannah asked: I always wondered how a author can write so many books and still have such good endings and plots etc. So what’s your secret to writing? Lol!

Oh, thank you for those kind words! I love to write, and I’m always on the hunt for a great story! I’m actually very dangerous to have around – just last week I was sitting in a restaurant and accidentally overheard a person talk on their cell phone (have you ever noticed how loud people are on their cell phones?).

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Ask a Writer Anything: Getting Noticed

Susan On Writing

Tawni asked: How do you go about getting your story noticed by a publisher? My daughter is 15 and loves to write.

Getting noticed in today’s market – whether you’re published, or not, it always a challenge. There is always another great book out there, always a story that is similar to your own.

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Don't Fuss Over ME!

Susan Just for Fun

My husband hates his birthday. Okay, hates is a strong word, but let’s just say that he’s not into presents and making a big fuss. In fact, that’s his entire personality. We once had a big discussion about what “LATE” means. I think it means being about 15 minutes behind schedule. He thinks it’s coming in right when the event is supposed to start.

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