No, don’t get excited. I don’t like setting fires or anything, (and I really didn’t have anything to do with that certain, um, blaze, that leveled our garage a couple years ago…really). What I mean, however, is that I am an idea girl. I have a vision or I see a problem,
Contend for Me! (Or, the day I brought the wrong kid to camp!)
Hey all ~ I’ve had a few requests for this oldie but goodie, so, to relieve my humiliation a second time…here it is…the infamous “Susie Takes the Wrong kid to Camp” post. (BTW, this year I did manage to bring the RIGHT kids at the RIGHT time. Just to show you I CAN learn!)
I am clearly in over my head.
Ask a Writer Anything: Getting Started in Publishing
Claudia R asked: Was it real difficult getting your foot into publishing?
A: The publishing world can be extremely difficult break in to – it can seem as times as if there might be an invisible wall…however, it’s not as difficult as one might think.
It’s all about perspective.
Ask a Writer Anything: Creating Characters
Erika W asked: How do you come up with such a wide range of characters? Journalists, Cowboys, party-ers and missionaries are just a few and they are all so different. What makes you think of them?
A: Oh, my favorite thing is to learn about people and their occupations. I love to discover their challenges and defeats,
Ask a Writer Anything: My Writing Spaces
Niki asked: When do you write and where? Do you get up a few hours early? Late at night? In the middle of the day? All of the above? Do you have an office? Sit at the kitchen table? Out on the porch?
I admit that I have to have different writing spaces depending on the mood that I’m in.
Ask a writer anything: How do you homeschool?
Erin S asked: My question has to do with homeschooling. What curriculum does your family use and do your kids enjoy being homeschooled?
Ah, a non-writing question! I love those, too! And as an avid home schooler, I love to talk homeschooling and curriculum. When I started homeschooling, I used almost exclusively Sonlight – a reading based program,
How did I get started?
Megan H asked: I`ve been thinking about becoming a writer when I finish school, and I was wondering how you got started.
I think a writer has to be two things from the get-go – a lover of stories, and someone who is committed to working hard. I was the kind of girl when I was young who would pedal her bike to the library and spend the entire day reading…I loved stories and getting lost inside another world.
Ask a writer anything: Where do the stories come from?
This question came from Jenn S: I would love to know how you come up with different plots — I mean, how do you make it so that your stories don’t all sound like they’re cut & paste from the same “formula”?
Thanks for your question, Jenn! I think the important part in coming up with new stories is asking myself the question – would I care?
On Video at Novel Journey!
Hey! The ladies at Novel Journey and I chatted after the Christy Awards — and they put the video clip up on their cool blog! Stop by for a peek (Monday, July 16th post!). You’ll have to turn up the volume — but great job, ladies! Thank you for the interview!