by Holley Gerth
Ten years ago my Grandma Frances went home to heaven in her sleep just before Christmas.
Grandpa carefully handed me a brightly-wrapped box on Christmas morning
and said, "This is her gift. Now I want you to have it."
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Good Stuff”
by Holley Gerth
Ten years ago my Grandma Frances went home to heaven in her sleep just before Christmas.
Grandpa carefully handed me a brightly-wrapped box on Christmas morning
and said, "This is her gift. Now I want you to have it."
A Tangible Reminder
by Mary Byers
Last year I read Me, Myself, & Bob: A True Story About Dreams, God, and Talking Vegetables
by Phil Vischer, creator of the Veggie Tales video series. I was
interested because my children grew up on Veggie Tales. But I was also
interested because somewhere along the way I noticed Phil Vischer was
no longer with Big Idea,
by Virelle Kidder
mother had remarkable zeal for Christmas. Weeks in advance, she would
come home from teaching school and bake late into the night. The helped
clean the house and decorate the tree while my older brother Roger
wired the house with Christmas lights,
I’m just sayin’, it’s not fair.
I’m going to lodge a formal complaint with the bureau of weather management in Heaven.
I think there’s been a misunderstanding.
See, I live in Grand Marais, 30 miles from the Canadian border, next to the coldest lake in America.
Holly O.! (her recipe and story are below)
Congrats – you've won a soup and cookie basket from Harry & David. Thank you so much for submitting a recipe to The Great Christmas Bowl Recipe Exchange contest during the book's blog tour!
And speaking of recipes –
I'd like to share about a special project that I was asked to be a part of earlier this year – The Pearl Girls.
Like the oyster, we go about our everyday lives until the unexpected happens. Yet God's grace covers our pain and transforms it into a beautiful pearl.