How to stay warm!

Rel Mollet Books, Family, On Writing

I’m in snowy North Carolina today, with these lovely people, brainstorming projects for 2026. I’m surrounded with fabulous story ideas. 

As I’m writing this, I believe Minnesota is under a blizzard warning, and we’re currently brainstorming a “trapped in a snowstorm” story.

(I love a trapped in a snowstorm story…and by the way,

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It finally happened!

Rel Mollet Books, Good Stuff, On Writing

So, lots of stuff in this newsletter, so keep reading. It’s full of free stuff, and giveaways. 

A thing happened.

This thing:

I can not believe that I’ve hit my 100th book. And it all started with this one…

My hubby gave me this watch 20 years ago when my first book came out.

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Rel Mollet Books, On Writing

Happy Friday! I *just* sent a project off to my amazing editor, and I’m headed into weekend mode…looking at tonight’s menu (pumpkin soup, steak sandwiches, and crustless pumpkin cheesecake)!

(Here’s a pic of last week’s Friday night feast…)

But also…

I’m realizing there was a missing picture in the last newsletter!

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The Raw Truth

Rel Mollet Books, On Writing

So recently there’s been this trend where authors show their workspace. And to be honest, I’ve been a little shy to do that because in the raw truth…

I’m more of a horizontal organizer. 

And I’m not a minimalist.

And I’m also a bit of a DIY gal…

So anyway,

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Tapas and Truth

Rel Mollet Books, On Writing

Let’s start with a little Tapas.

These are Potatoes Bravas, a treat from Catalonia (Barcelona) that my husband is perfecting. Tapas are “small plates,” aka appetizer-sized meals. Tasty morsels of goodness to share with friends.

I promise this has a point.

So yes, I finished a book in four days.

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The secret to story magic

Rel Mollet Books, Good Stuff, On Writing

My house is quiet once again. Alas, all my people have gone back north, which means that in the silence, my characters have started to chatter, getting ready to throw themselves out of my brain/heart and onto the page.

I am not unaware of how blessed I am to have this job—I get to make up awesome people,

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Just another Tuesday?

Rel Mollet Books, Family, On Writing

It’s not Tuesday.

You probably know this.

However, I woke up today and thought…What? I missed ANOTHER Tuesday? (In my defense, I did manage to hit the last two Tuesdays, but things are falling apart quickly without my assistant! She comes back in two weeks, so we’re hangin’ on by our tootsies,

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Minds on Fire! 🔥

Rel Mollet Books, Family, Food and Drink, On Writing

Just dropping a quick post today—I’m spending time with five brilliant authors this week whom I affectionately call “The Minds.”  It’s a group of super brilliant women. (I’m still trying to figure out why I’m included… Oh, wait, I remember now. It’s because I’m in Florida  and I feed them. Just kidding—they cook too! )


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Never Mind the Toes!

Rel Mollet Books, Family, On Writing

I’m coming to you today from sunny Arizona! It’s a little bit crazy but I’m wearing sandals again. I clearly need a pedicure.

I’m hanging out with my business partner and good friend Lindsay Harrel. If you haven’t read her books, check out her website here. Right now, we’re planning all the fun things that we’re going to do over at Sunrise Publishing next year.

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Some weekend goodies for you!

Rel Mollet Books, On Writing

This is Susie’s assistant (and you caught me—daughter) here! Susie got lost in the writing cave and has somehow pulled others in with her!

I’m just kidding, that is her writing mastermind group and they are fabulous! We owe a lot of Susie’s brilliance to the honing of her skills with this wonderful group of women.

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