Writing a Book while working a full-time job?

Susan On Writing

Do you think it is possible to write a book while you are holding down a fulltime job at the same time? And if you do, what are one or two major things you must tackle to be successful at it?

Great question! In today’s publishing world, I think most authors hold down a full time job while they are starting to write.

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How did I start writing?

Susan On Writing

This summer, for my book giveaway contest, I’ve opened the floor to my readers to “Ask an Author Anything!*” (That * is a “Keep it-G-rated” disclaimer!)

This question comes from Jane S:

How did you decide that writing was what you wanted to do? How did you finally start? Did you take courses or learn on your own?

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Another Writer to Learn From

Susan On Writing

I admit it – it’s rare for me to read a book for fun. Often, I find myself reworking paragraphs, or even thinking through sentence structure. So, when I find a book I can immerse myself in, it’s a treat.

I was completely swept away by Rachel Hauck’s newest book, Diva NashVegas.

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The next big thing…

Susan On Writing

I like Jordin Sparks. Aside from her extremely cute last name, and the fact that she is NOT a size two and still looks fabulous (kudos to regular sized teenagers!), I have to admire her poise and humor at the age of 17 in front of millions.

I also like her because she reads Christian novels – I read an article in TV Guide about her favorite novel (which just happens to be mine – Reedeeming Love by Francine Rivers).

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Escape from Alaska

Susan On Writing

Life…it gets in the way of my blogging! So, like I promised, I wanted to give you a glimpse at My Life in Russia. Here’s the thing…unlike Josey from Everything’s Coming up Josey, I never went to Russia SINGLE. I always toted baggage, as in small children and diaper bags. Six months after I arrived in Khabarovsk (look on your map,

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Tea with the KGB

Susan On Writing

I receive a lot of letters from readers asking where I got my ideas and how I did my research…here’s a little glimpse into that answer…

Tea with the KGB

Valentina met us at the door with a bit of a stern look, as if we were late. Andrew seemed oblivious as he pulled off the kids’ valenki (Russian boots).

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The Babushka and the Axe

Susan On Writing

Living in Russia offered me the priviledge of many unique and crazy circumstances to draw from for writing material. This scene is the real event that sparked the premise for my first published story – The Measure of a Man novella in Tyndale’s, Chance Encounters of the Heart Anthology.


It’s been a brutal fall.

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