So, I’ve been in Florida for two weeks now and guess what? I’ve only seen the sun twice! Went to the beach twice too, but the second time I had to wear a stocking cap because it was unexpectedly cold.
I’m not sure, but I think the cold has followed me.
On a positive note, I’ve taken two inside strolls on my under-desk treadmill. Gotta stay active while I write!
(You can see I’m going veeery fast. If you blink, you’ll miss me.)
I had an amazing writing week and I’m already two-thirds of the way through the final book in my Alaska Air One Rescue series. And, in true Susan May Warren style, I couldn’t just stay in Alaska. I had to go to Europe, create my own country, and cause some trouble there.
But let me tell you, I’m really loving this final installment and I think you’re gonna absolutely love this series too! It’s part Montana Rescue, part Global Search and Rescue and has cameos from your favorite people from Sky King Ranch (and others)! It’s set to be released over the next year, and the series is available for pre-order now.
By the way, if you’re itching to read something else by Susan May Warren and you’re already caught up (which deserves a small trophy, tbh ), I gotcha covered. (I get emails every day from people who’ve read all 100 books and want more. It’s both humbling and inspiring! So, if you think I don’t read or appreciate them, you’re dead wrong. I do my best to write back, even if it’s only in my head sometimes. Sorry about that! But seriously, thank you for reaching out. It means a lot.
Now, let’s get back to your question: what should you read next? One of the most common emails I receive is asking if I’ve written about my adventures in Russia. YES!
(Here’s a fun photo of our young family in Russia)
I actually talked about it in a previous newsletter. Although it’s not an exact retelling, I incorporated a lot of my past experiences into a three-book series called The Josey Series. The first book, Everything’s Coming Up Josey, just arrived in my store this week. It’s a vintage romcom that I wrote a while back when things like AOL were still around. But trust me, it’s still a fun read, and the newly designed cover is absolutely adorable! The story itself is just as enjoyable.
What I love most about this story is Chase, the hero. He loves Josey, but he’s given up hope of being with her, even though she’s completely clueless about it until she goes to Moscow. It’s ridiculously fun and captures the essence of being a single missionary. Just for fun, here’s a small excerpt of Josey and Chase and a glimpse into their relationship, in her own words. Click the link here to read it!
Oh, and guess what? It’s my birthday this weekend! I’m planning to celebrate by going to a frog leg festival. Yep, you read that right!
I’ll make sure to send you some pictures.
I hope you have an absolutely fabulous weekend, and wherever you are, stay warm and safe! Take care!
P.S. Ohh, by the way, if you haven’t already picked up Ned then tomorrow is your day. Ned is on sale tomorrow only for $0.99 on Amazon. I don’t want you to miss it if you don’t already have it! (But the sale starts tomorrow, 1/20, just FYI!)