So, I went out to breakfast today with my writing partner, the amazing Rachel Hauck. We’ve been trying to get together for three weeks since my return to Florida. (okay, that sounds a lot more epic than intended. it wasn’t like the return of the King or anything. It was just a small trip to hang out with my son and his family during thanksgiving). STILL. Life got in the way.
So today we sat for three hours, drinking waaaay too much coffee, solving the world’s problems. (Don’t get excited. We haven’t solved any Ukraine-Russia problems. These were more like snarls in our current stories and maybe what we’re making for Thanksgiving dinner and whether or not Ohio State will win their game on Saturday. You know, the REALLY important stuff. )
You know how it is, when you get that sweet time with a friend. It’s nourishing.
Sometimes (I know, this sounds crazy!) I feel that way when I listen or read a great book. (and sometimes, well, my own books). I love spending time with characters who feel like friends, enjoying their journeys, solving their problems with them.
And it’s even better when they come to life in an audio book. It’s like…hey! We’re having a conversation! And yes, I know that we first had the conversation in my head. But it feels different when I hear it voiced.
Like I didn’t write it. Like it just magically happened. (Maybe it did.)
I just finished listening to the Minnesota Marshall on audio. And now I’ve moved onto the Air One Rescue series because…the last book (One Last Stand) JUST came out in audio (FINALLY) and it’s BINGE LISTEN time!
Of course, they’re voiced by the Uh-Mazing Adam Gold, and this time it’s a duet—a female voice (the lovely and talented Cynthia Farrell) for all the female POV’s. Fantastic and soooo worth the wait!
And, right now, in case YOU are a binge listener too—I’m having a 50% off the entire series in the Susan May Warren store. Click here to grab them all.
Don’t miss out on this epic sale—just in time for that Thanksgiving road trip.
And meanwhile, up in MN…this is happening.
Apparently, we’re a safe haven for the local Turkeys.
Have a lovely weekend!
P.S. Oh, and for all you KU readers…
The Crimson Legacy is now available on Kindle Unlimited!
AND…I nearly forgot – THIS amazing series, is ON SALE for 2.99 each (minus book one) right now at amazon! Hello, Black Friday sale!