Let’s all go to Australia! ✈️

Rel Mollet Books, Family, Sarah, Travel

Happy Friday! Susie and Andrew have had quite the week in Australia.

But as I looked through all the lovely pictures from their adventures, I realized they were all missing one important thing….me.

After all, I am Susie’s assistant. I should go where she goes.

…So I fixed them.

Here we are getting on the plane. Susie and Andrew flew first class. But since I was a last minute addition, I had to sit on the wing.

There I am, all ready for my flight to the land down unda’

After a breezy little flight we finally landed in Sydney!

That first day, we strolled along the boardwalk and admired the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

I swear, I could almost feel the sea breeze in my clearly-not-photoshopped hair.

Then, we stopped by the Sydney Opera House.

Barefoot? Who’s barefoot. Those are my toe-shoes. Very popular for in-person non-photoshopped adventures.

The next day we got to see Sunset Boulevard at the actual opera house! Wow, it was so good I completely blacked out. I don’t remember it at all, but Susie and Andrew said it was awesome.

I’m there too. You just can’t see me.

Later, we wandered through the Botanical Gardens.

Susie was looking very festive in her floral pants. I love them. She’s so cute.

And finally, we popped down to Melbourne, where we met up with Susie’s other fabulous assistant, Rel, and Rel’s husband.

Here we all are. Definitely all of us.

Rel treated us to some coffee (my favorite!) and charcuterie (you know that’s Susie’s favorite!) back at her place.

And to top the week off, we travelled over to Hunter Valley Wine Country! It was a beautiful day.

Speaking of wine country…did you know Susie’s Minnesota Marshall family owns a winery? It’s actually a huge part of Fraser’s story…something about his family traveling the world without him while he stays home to house sit…I don’t know the feeling. I’m in Australia.

Anyway…Next week we’re off to the Omega Christian Writer’s Conference where Susie will be the keynote speaker! Woohoo! If you’re in Australia, I think that’s the place to be!

I’ll see you next week!


P.S. One Last Stand came out this week on the Susan May Warren store! Don’t forget to grab it before the price goes up!

P.P.S. If you have read One Last Stand and had trouble accessing the bonus epilogue, give it another try! I (Sarah) may have accidentally set the download limit to one…But that’s been fixed.

Okay, love ya. Byeeeee.