I came upon this quote not long ago…”People are like stained glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness set in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light within.” (Elizabeth Kubler-Ross) When my kids were young, we’d play a game — they’d scribble on a piece of paper, and then I’d try and add the right characteristics to make a picture out of it I was always amazed at the artwork that emerged. That sorta feels like how I live life…sorting it out as I go along, trying to make sense out it. Believing that because there is a Creator at work, the entire thing will make sense.
I guess I’ve been blogging for years, really. Back in the day, I sent out newsletters to our helpless supporter when I lived in Siberia as a missionary. (Yes, really, I lived there and learned to talk Russian and eat raw fatback and make borchst, and survive -30 temperatures.) Mostly I just spilled out my life onto paper…probably for my own catharsis, my own sanity. In the telling, I learned a little. About life. About myself. About God.
Putting myself in the story lets me see that it’s not all about me. And I’m wondering, in a way if that’s not what a blog is…discovering where I fit into the story, seeing the big picture.
Thanks for stopping by…i hope that together we can see where we fit into the scribbles of life…