Drew and I took our last walk on the beach today. Well, not our last walk, hopefully, but we’re headed north this weekend as we hear the snow is gone and it’s safe to enter Minnesota again. (But we’re not holding our breath. We know Minnesota…)
So, here they are—the last sad pictures of our daily walk on the beach. By the way, if you can name where that quote in the subject line is from, Click HERE, enter your answer, and I’ll enter you into a DRAWING to get the first 2 books in the Minnesota Marshall series (digital, then all our friends around the world can play, too!).
Speaking of goodbye…I wanted to let you know that the Fraser and Jonas ebooks will be heading over to Kindle Unlimited in a couple weeks, so definitely grab your copy now if you’re a Nook, KOBO or Apple reader. (Or get them at my store! – I reward all my Susie May fans with a standard 15% off discount on all ebooks automatically applied at checkout!)
Also, if you are curious how this whole epic saga started…Once upon a time, I was visiting my mother in Montana, and all of Montana caught fire (not really, but it felt that way). It sparked an idea (see what I did there?) and I created a smokejumper series set in, well, Montana. And then Alaska. And then families were born. And international plots. And SAR teams. And more international plots along with bad guys. And now the entire thing is out of control, but we like it that way.
But if you’ve just finished Jonas and are thinking…I’d really love to go back and start at the beginning…the original books are available at my store.
And this weekend only, they’re ON SALE. The fire starters.
But let’s say you’ve already read them. (You get a high five. And a puppy. Okay, not the puppy. Just the high five.) Then be on the lookout for…
Oh Ned. You brokenhearted soul.
Poor Ned had his girlfriend kidnapped. And she might be in Siberia. Or Zimbabwe. Based on your knowledge of my stories, I’ll let you guess. (Although it could also be the wilds of Alaska…!) Poor Ned loves this girl, Shae (from Montana Rescue, btw), and he’ll do anything to get her back.
Even if it means becoming a traitor to his country. EEP!
NED releases in my store ONLY on May 9th. Preorder it now. (Or go ahead and preorder it where you love to shop. It will be released on Amazon on June 6th!)
I’m off to wash sand off my feet. And pack my bags. Thank you for reading!!
P.S. Speaking of goodbyes and HELLOS, if you haven’t read this fantastic book by Megan Besing and Lisa Philips yet, then get it now—or wait until Monday when it releases into Kindle Unlimited!