The best I have…

Rel Mollet Books, Family, On Writing, Thoughts on God

I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Listen, I know it was quiet (if you lived in a state where you had to shelter in place). I agree. I cooked for 4 people instead of my usual, beloved 14, but on the bright side, because it was so quiet, I didn’t burn anything. Almost didn’t feel right… 

I spent yesterday transforming our house for the season in the wild hope that Santa will deliver my granddaughter here in time for Christmas. (I Believe, I Believe).

And then…I went shopping. In my jammies with a cup of coffee. The little UPS elves will know my address by the end of this season.

Honestly, I didn’t hate it. I got some great deals, and despite not being able to touch and feel my products, I also didn’t “impulse shop” like I am wont to do. (Oh, hubs would love this breakfast sandwich maker! Or, oh my, the world’s largest gummie bear?)

Which left me a little extra cash for some goodies. (And by goodies, I mean books, of course!) I downloaded 3 cute holiday ebooks to read over the next four Saturdays, a couple longer books for when we’re traveling, and my own favorite Christmas book. (if you click on the picture, you can go to my list on Amazon!)

I can’t believe the end of the year is only a month away. I’m ready, are you? Reading, for me, is a way to take my mind off all the challenges of our current time, the fact my family isn’t together, and to put into my soul some hope, faith and positivity. (I am soooo picky about what goes into my head, and I know you are too!)

It’s why I write series, also, because I love to put into a story the feeling of something bigger, that there is more out there. More love, more faith, more hope…my joy.

You know that’s true, right? This world is NOT all there is. There is more hope, more love, more joy for us.

In the series I’m currently writing, my theme hymn is Turn Your Eyes upon JesusIt’s an oldie but a goodie. And it’s so simple, and yet true. (Here’s a beautiful Hillsong rendition)

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face…and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

That’s the best I have, and the ONLY thing that we can count on. Jesus. He is our hope, and my best encouragement for you in this season.

I hope you’re well, that any ache of a lonely Thanksgiving is replaced by the great love God has for you, and that you SEE this in the upcoming weeks.


Susie May

P.S If you’re looking for a series to escape into, can I humbly suggest the Montana Marshall’s series? RIGHT NOW, for the Black Friday weekend the ENTIRE Series is only $2.99 per book!!

P.P.S Looking for a new author this season? Here’s a bunch of awesome FREE books that can get you started!