What I did to survive…

Rel Mollet Books, Current Affairs, Family, Food and Drink, On Writing

So, how are you doing? In case you’re wondering, today is Friday.

(I know, Snowy, I get confused too.)

As a writer, the days already blur a little, especially when I’m deep in writing a book. But this has certainly been different.

There are other beings in my place of work, aka, our house.


I call them Brainstorming Prey. I hunt them down when I’m stuck on a scene, and because of the quarantine…they can’t run away. Mwwwhaa.  (Okay, admittedly, the four legged variety aren’t a huge help. And, they run faster than me, so there’s that.)

I do understand that sounds a little like a serial killer, but during this month, for research purposes, I binge watched Mindhunter and Prodigal Son, (on Hulu) which are not for the squeamish.

But I do have a few tips to surviving the Q-tine.

Start with inviting a Millennial to your home. Tell him he has to cook for you.

Then, clean something.

This is my pantry. I found stuff. So I made this:

(In other words, try a few new recipes!)

Oh, and maybe redecorate! I experimented with some new window coverings.

(The dogs were clearly not impressed)

If that doesn’t work, then maybe just sell the whole house.

And, maybe, whattya know, buy a new one…

No, I’m kidding. But yes, we did buy a house. In Florida. Pictures to come!

And after all that, well…

READ A GOOD BOOK! (You know I was going there, right?)

Love this stunning photo of The Way of the Brave, created by bookstagrammer, Kristina (@blessednbookish)

(Haven’t read The Way of the Brave yet? Oh no! Quick, go HERE and pick up your copy…because…

Tbe HEART of a HERO is out in 6 weeks!!!)

And, if you want to read the series RIGHT BEFORE The Way of the Brave (the Global SAR series), I have put ebook one, KNOX on sale FOR FREE during the Q-tine. Just because you might not be cleaning, or cooking, or redecorating, or moving… (Some of us are normal, and I get that.)

So, the good news is that Q-tine might be coming to an end. A huge thank you to all our essential workers, and especially our medical care teams. Wow. And if you have gotten sick or lost a love one, I am so sorry. I am praying for you. If you want to drop me a line with a prayer request, I do pray every day for a growing list, and I’d be honored to add you to it.

Oh, and I’m giving away a hard copy of Way of the Brave to the following five readers. (If you see your email addy, reply with your snail mail addy and I’ll get that book right out.)

Thank you for reading and for all your kind reviews and encouragement. I’m so grateful for you.


Susie May

P.S. If you’ve ever wanted to write a novel, I run a little school for novelists, and I’m having a FREE webinar on the path to publishing next Thursday night. 7pm CST. If you’re interested, go here to sign up.