Did you have a great weekend?
I was up north at my writing cabin/AirBnB, where it was raining and cold. (But my cute little maple tree is shooting out red leaves for all it’s worth!)

And hubs was doing this. (He’s so handy!)

Meanwhile the drywall guy was painting our ceilings (pictures on their way!) and Ii was reading/editing a book.

But all the while, this song was going on in my head…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5DatqGNz_Y&feature=youtu.be (beware, you could hear hubs and me singing along. It wasn’t quite as nice as the guy on stage…)
Because last week…that’s right…I went to the CHICAGO Concert!

I experienced some pretty heavy memories/endorphins/hand-holding moments with my husband as we listened to the band (and their excellent new lead singer) play my favorites – You’re My Inspiration, Hard to Say I’m Sorry, Saturday in the Park, and If You Leave Me Now…
I know, I know. Now I put a song in your head, too. (If you’re not humming along yet, try this playlist… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXg6a_56I-4)
We were celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary along with some dear friends. I’m so grateful for every second with my lovely man, and hoping for another 30. Of course, we’ve had our hard times, but we’ve worked on our marriage and I’m so very blessed. As we were driving up to Grand Marais today, I pointed to the spot on the beach of our first date. He was already smiling, remembering.

I think your heart knows when it meets the right one. And the day he showed up on his motorcycle, it was over for me. *swoon*
If you’re keeping up with the Montana Marshalls saga, you know that WYATT, book 4, is due out in a week! And, if you read FORD, you also know that Wyatt is desperate with the knowledge that the woman he loves might be seriously wounded and in trouble.
He has to find her. Because although they’ve been apart for five years, she’s THE ONE.
And Wyatt might not be a Navy Seal, a Bull Rider, or a Bodyguard, but he has a Big Marshall Heart and he’s not going to stop until he finds her. Even if it means going to a foreign country.
Being arrested by the KGB FSB.
Maybe being shot at. Attacked.
And maybe, even discovering WHY his true love left him…
I am loving the pre-release reviews of Wyatt (thank you!)
For the next 8 days, until October 15th, Wyatt is $4.99 (ebook price)—1/2 off! (The print copy will be available on October 15th) .
Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement, for loving the Marshall Family as much as I do, and for blessing me with your reader friendship! I’ll be honest…I write for the joy of my readers, so your input means a lot. You could say…well, you’re my inspiration. *wink*
I pray you’re someplace warm, enjoying a little hot cocoa and reading a good book!

Susie May